Recommended Reading

I’ve been too busy, tired, and sick as of late, to post much.

I REALLY understand that as parents and professionals caring for young children, you have very little free time, and if you’re going to read something, it has to be a quick easy read that is really worth your time and attention, is non- judgmental and supportive, and is really valuable- meaning that it is useful and helpful in your day to day experience in raising and caring for the children in your life.

To that end, I am recommending three new books that meet the above criteria and are all available at ( which I find to be a necessary evil/godsend in my life these days). Look for detailed reviews of each book here in the near future.

1) Momma Zen, Walking The Crooked Path Of Motherhood, by Karen Maezen Miller.

2) Theories of Attachment: An Introduction to Bowlby, Ainsworth, Gerber, Brazelton, Kennell, and Klaus, by Carol Gerhart Mooney.

3) Being With Babies: Understanding and Responding to the Infants in Your Care, by Beverly Kovach and Denise Ros-Voseles.